Truchet Tiling

Exploring Truchet Tiling

I recently came across the Truchet tiling method. It’s a fascinatingly simple idea and works really nice for aesthetic patterns

A variety of patterns can be formed by taking one or many images and rotating it for each edge.

Clipped from [Wikipedia](

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First step is create a repeating uv tile.

Repeated UVs

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Next we’ll use a noise image but down res it, by grabbing the nearest integer and then scaling it down by the repeats.

Mosaic the UVs

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In order to rotate our image around each repeated cell, we need normalized values between 0 and 1 and for each image to rotate in 90 degree turns we need 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 for our rotator. So if you posterize the image by using the same technique above but not on the uv’s you get the right values.

Posterize the values

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Then we just plug in our first uv tile graph into a customRotator and then plug in the noise as the rotation values, connect that into the uv’s of our image sample and it will give us the unique Truchet tiling patterns.

Truchet UVs

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Try using other patterns and more images, I found these online and connected it all up.

Truchet UVs

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There are more methods and more ways to combine with this tiling pattern. Here’s one I found from Wyeth Johnson


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You can also try animating them for something different

Animated gif

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Mark Serena Written by:

Mark is an artist with a passion for technical art and things beyond his comprehension.